Abertay University Scholarships: Supporting Ambition and Academic Excellence

Abertay University Scholarships: Supporting Ambition and Academic Excellence

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Abertay University is committed to empowering students through education by offering a range of scholarships that make higher education more accessible. These scholarships provide essential financial support, helping students from diverse backgrounds pursue their academic and career goals without the burden of financial constraints. Whether you’re an undergraduate, postgraduate, or international student, Abertay has scholarship opportunities tailored to your needs.


Undergraduate Scholarships

Abertay university undergraduate program offers several scholarships aimed at supporting undergraduate students who show academic promise or face financial challenges.

- Abertay International Scholarship: This scholarship offers financial support to international students starting their undergraduate studies. With up to £12,000 available over four years, this scholarship helps ease the financial burden of international tuition fees and fosters a diverse, global community on campus.

- Merit Scholarships: Designed for high-achieving students, these scholarships recognize academic excellence. Both UK and international students are eligible, making it a competitive and prestigious award that encourages students to maintain a high level of academic performance throughout their degree.


Postgraduate Scholarships

For those pursuing postgraduate studies, Abertay University postgraduate program provides a range of scholarships to help students advance their academic careers and undertake specialized research.

- Abertay Postgraduate Scholarship: Available to UK, EU, and international students, this scholarship offers up to £3,000 toward tuition fees for postgraduate taught courses. It allows students to focus on their research and academic development without the worry of financial constraints.

- Santander Universities Scholarships: In collaboration with Santander Universities, this scholarship provides funding for students from underrepresented backgrounds. It also supports students interested in entrepreneurship, internships, and studying abroad, making it a valuable opportunity for personal and professional growth.


Specialized Scholarships

Abertay’s reputation for excellence in niche fields such as computer games and sports is reflected in its range of specialized scholarships.

- Computer Games Scholarships: As a leading institution in computer games education, Abertay offers scholarships for students in this field. These scholarships support innovation and creative thinking in game development, helping students stay at the cutting edge of the industry.

- Sports Scholarships: For students excelling both academically and athletically, Abertay offers sports scholarships that provide financial assistance, along with access to specialized training and resources. These scholarships help student-athletes balance their studies and sports careers while reaching their full potential.


Financial Need-Based Scholarships

Abertay University health-medicine program is dedicated to widening participation in higher education. The university offers scholarships and funds to support students who may face financial difficulties during their studies.

- Access to Learning Fund: This fund offers financial aid to students experiencing unexpected financial challenges. Whether it's covering living costs or helping with unforeseen expenses, the fund ensures that financial hardship doesn’t hinder a student’s ability to succeed academically.



Abertay University master research program scholarships are a testament to the institution’s commitment to nurturing talent, encouraging academic success, and supporting students from all backgrounds. Whether you are seeking financial support based on merit, need, or specialization, Abertay provides a variety of options to help you thrive during your studies.

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